Thursday, August 31, 2017

Meditation techniques (ध्यान तंत्र): VBT 13 (विज्ञान भैरव तंत्र १३)

Every month I will be sharing one technique of meditation. There will be original Sanskrut text, and English / Marathi commentary on the technique. I expect reader should not take it as just a piece of information but practice the technique that suits him/her for at least one month to further the spiritual quest.

| These 112 meditation techniques are the ultimate source for self realization | 

विज्ञान भैरव तंत्र    

Vidnyan Bhairav Tantra

श्री देव्युवाच
श्रुतं देव मया सर्वं रुद्रयामलसम्भवम् |
त्रिकभेदमशेषेण सारात्सारविभागशः ||

अद्यपि न निवृत्तो मे संशय: परमेश्वर |
किं रुपं तत्वतो देव शब्दराशिकलामयम् ||

किं वा नवात्मभेदेन भैरवे भैरवाकृतौ |
त्रिशिरोभेदभिन्नं वा किं वा शक्तित्रयात्मकम् ||

नादबिन्दुमयं वापि किं चंद्रार्धनिरोधिका: |
चक्रारुढमनच्कं वा किं वा शक्तिस्वरुपकम् ||

परापराया: सकलम् अपरायाश्च वा पुनः |
पराया यदि तद्वत्स्यात् परत्वं तद्विरुध्यते ||

नहि वर्ण विभेदेन देहभेदेन वा भवेत् |
परत्वंनिष्कलत्वेनसकलत्वे न तदभवेत् ||

प्रसादं कुरु मे नाथ नि:शेषं छिन्धि संशयम् |

भैरव उवाच
साधु साधु त्वया पृष्टं तन्त्रसारमिदं प्रिये |

गूहनीयतमं भद्रे तथापि कथयामि ते |
यत्किञ्चित्सकलं रुपं भैरवस्य प्रकीर्तितम् ||

देवीने विचारले...

हे शिवा! तुझे खरे स्वरुप काय आहे?

हे अचंबित करणारे जगत काय आहे?

बीजाचे मूलतत्व काय आहे?

संसाररुपी चक्राच्या केंद्रस्थानी काय आहे?

नामरुपांच्या पलिकडे काय आहे?

नामरुपातीत अमृतत्वाची प्राप्ती शक्य आहे का?

कृपया माझे शंकानिरसन करा...

शिवाने उत्तरादाखल ११२ ध्यानतंत्रे सांगितली. ज्ञात-अज्ञात विश्वातील सर्व पंथसंप्रदाय,ज्ञानमार्ग यातील एक अथवा अधिक तंत्र पद्धतीद्वारा उत्पन्न झाले. भूतवर्तमान तसेच भविष्य काळातील तत्त्ववेत्तेप्रेषित यातील एक अथवा अधिक तंत्रपद्धतीचे फलस्वरुप आहेत.  


 Devi Asks:

O Shiva, what is your reality?
What is this wonder-filled universe?
What constitutes seed?
Who centres the universal wheel?
What is this life beyond form pervading forms?
How may we enter it full, above space and time, names and descriptions?
Let my doubts be cleared!

Now Shiva replies and describes 112 meditation techniques.  All the religions of the world, all the seers of the world, have reached the peak through some technique or other, and all those techniques will be in these one hundred and twelve techniques.


 तंत्र १३

कररुध्ददृगस्त्रेण भृभेदाद् द्वाररोधनात् |
दृष्टे बिन्दौ क्रमाल्लीने तन्मध्ये परमा स्थिति: ||
By using the hands as tools to block the entrances in all directions, the eyebrow centre is pierced and bindu or light is seen. Being gradually absorbed within that, the supreme state is realized. 

Dissolve objects through imagination and imagination through concentration...
(Shanmukhi mudra)
To become aware of your center, mind is the main hindrance. Unless you understand the nature of mind it is difficult to go beyond it. Very nature of mind is movement. It is involved in any activity you perform. It is better to call it ‘minding’ rather than mind. It is always on move, hoping to reach somewhere but never reach anywhere in fact not interested to reach anywhere because in stopping it dies. Its very existence depends on movement. You cannot order mind to stop because you are identified with it for lives together. To break this identification you can imagine that all of your senses are dissolving inside or outside the body in to single point. To concentrate on point inside, meditate with closed eyes and for point outside meditate with open eyes. Naval center is the best for concentration inside the body. Once you are focused on single point through imagination, rest whole world is non existent for you and then with concentrating on the single point, you insist mind to stop. In the very process mind dissolves. Mind is constantly jumping from you to the point and back. When mind dissolves you can’t see the point, not because point is disappeared but because mind is disappeared. In the absence of mind you are at your center, then bliss is not momentary phenomenon but you very nature.

मनाचा विलय कल्पनाशक्तीतून, कल्पनेचा विलय तटस्थतेतून...
निसर्गतः मन चंचल तर आत्मतत्व निश्चल. मनाच्या माध्यमातून आत्मतत्वाची हालचाल. दोन्हीतील भिन्नत्वाची जाणीव नसल्याने मनावर नियंत्रण अशक्य. कल्पनाशक्तीद्वारा शरीरातील वा बाहेरील कोणत्याही एका वस्तूवर लक्ष केंद्रीत करुन मनाला गतीशून्य आणी त्यातून अस्तित्वहीन करणे शक्य. विचारशून्य तटस्थतेतून कल्पनेतील वस्तूचाही विलय,कारण मनरहीत अवस्थेत इंद्रिये अक्षम. ज्ञेय वस्तूच्या अभावात ज्ञात्याची अनुभूती.


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