Sunday, September 11, 2016

Meditation techniques (ध्यान तंत्र): VBT3 (विज्ञान भैरव तंत्र ३)

Every month I will be sharing one technique of meditation. There will be original Sanskrut text, and English / Marathi commentary on the technique. I expect reader should not take it as just a piece of information but practice the technique that suits him/her for at least one month to further the spiritual quest.

| These 112 meditation techniques are the ultimate source for self realization | 

विज्ञान भैरव तंत्र    

Vidnyan Bhairav Tantra

श्री देव्युवाच
श्रुतं देव मया सर्वं रुद्रयामलसम्भवम् |
त्रिकभेदमशेषेण सारात्सारविभागशः ||

अद्यपि न निवृत्तो मे संशयपरमेश्वर |
किं रुपं तत्वतो देव शब्दराशिकलामयम् ||

किं वा नवात्मभेदेन भैरवे भैरवाकृतौ |
त्रिशिरोभेदभिन्नं वा किं वा शक्तित्रयात्मकम् ||

नादबिन्दुमयं वापि किं चंद्रार्धनिरोधिका|
चक्रारुढमनच्कं वा किं वा शक्तिस्वरुपकम् ||

परापरायासकलम् अपरायाश्च वा पुनः |
पराया यदि तद्वत्स्यात् परत्वं तद्विरुध्यते ||

नहि वर्ण विभेदेन देहभेदेन वा भवेत् |
परत्वंनिष्कलत्वेनसकलत्वे न तदभवेत् ||

प्रसादं कुरु मे नाथ नि:शेषं छिन्धि संशयम् |

भैरव उवाच
साधु साधु त्वया पृष्टं तन्त्रसारमिदं प्रिये |

गूहनीयतमं भद्रे तथापि कथयामि ते |
यत्किञ्चित्सकलं रुपं भैरवस्य प्रकीर्तितम् ||

देवीने विचारले...

हे शिवातुझे खरे स्वरुप काय आहे?

हे अचंबित करणारे जगत काय आहे?

बीजाचे मूलतत्व काय आहे?

संसाररुपी चक्राच्या केंद्रस्थानी काय आहे?

नामरुपांच्या पलिकडे काय आहे?

नामरुपातीत अमृतत्वाची प्राप्ती शक्य आहे का?

कृपया माझे शंकानिरसन करा...

शिवाने उत्तरादाखल ११२ ध्यानतंत्रे सांगितलीज्ञात-अज्ञात विश्वातील सर्व पंथसंप्रदाय,ज्ञानमार्ग यातील एक अथवा अधिक तंत्र पद्धतीद्वारा उत्पन्न झालेभूतवर्तमान तसेच भविष्य काळातील तत्त्ववेत्तेप्रेषित यातील एक अथवा अधिक तंत्रपद्धतीचे फलस्वरुप आहेत.  


 Devi Asks:

O Shiva, what is your reality?
What is this wonder-filled universe?
What constitutes seed?
Who centres the universal wheel?
What is this life beyond form pervading forms?
How may we enter it full, above space and time, names and descriptions?
Let my doubts be cleared!

Now Shiva replies and describes 112 meditation techniques.  All the religions of the world, all the seers of the world, have reached the peak through some technique or other, and all those techniques will be in these one hundred and twelve techniques.


तंत्र ३
न व्रजेन्न विशेच्छक्ति-र्मरुद्रुपा विकासिते |
निर्विकल्पतया मध्ये तया भैरवरुपता ||
When shakti in the form of vayu or pranic air is still and does not move swiftly in a specific direction, there develops in the middle, through the state of nirvikalpa, the form of bhairava.

The fusion of incoming breath and outgoing breath is your center
(Kumbhaka dharana)
We are divided in to center and periphery. Our body is periphery. We know it but we don’t know the center. Breath is the bridge between you and your body. When breath is either going out or coming in it is dynamic. But when it is neither it is static. Look at incoming breath. Where does it touch? Look at outgoing breath. From where does it start? Each breath touches your center. Not head but naval is your center. As we are not taking enough breath, the center is never touched and we feel decentralize, feels off center. We breathe through chest and do not allow it to reach the center. Totality is always beautiful whether it is in love or anger. We are partial in everything due to shallow breathing. With deep breathing, what so ever you do it becomes a total act, good or bad. When you are off center, we are fragmentary and a part going against total and hence the ugliness. Civilization, conditioning encourages us to remain off center as then only we are not vulnerable, not open. We want to control everything around us and that is not possible in totality. More you are dead, more you can control, and you can remain master. When you go near to nature, you feel bliss. It is not because nature but because your deep breath which you don’t take otherwise. You can feel this bliss with each breath irrespective where you are. If breath goes deep, it gives energy to your sex center. It activates your sex center. Most of the religions made sex a taboo and hence take every precaution of not activating it. Breathe energy and sex energy when meets creates bio-energy, a life. Our body works on fuel energy which is generated by food. The center is without this bio-energy, it is connected to cosmic energy which is not generated by body, which we do not aware of. The moment you feel the fusion point of the breath, the static form of the breath, you are at your center.

दीर्घ श्वासोच्छवासातून पूर्णत्वाची अनुभूती...
श्वासाचे अंर्तगमन आणी बर्हिगमन गतिमान. परंतु अंर्तगामी श्वास बर्हिगामी होण्याच्या क्षणी गतिशून्यता.दीर्घ श्वासाद्वारे गतिशून्य केंद्र्स्थानाची, मणिपूरचक्राची अनुभूती. उथळ श्वासात मणिपूर चक्राला स्पर्श नाही. त्यामुळे सदैव अपूर्णतेची आंतरिक जाणीव. संस्कारातून परिस्थितीवर नियंत्रण प्रस्थापित करण्याची इच्छा. नियंत्रणासाठी मनाचे, बुद्धीचे प्राबल्य आवश्यक, आणी त्यासाठी आत्मतत्वाचे विस्मरण देखील आवश्यक. उथळ श्वासाद्वारे ही प्रक्रिया सुलभ. दीर्घ श्वासाद्वारे नियंत्रणशुन्य परिस्थितीशरणता शक्य आणी त्याद्वारा पूर्णत्वाची अनुभूती. श्वास शक्ती आणी संभोग शक्तीच्या मीलनातून जीवाची निर्मिती.पंचमहाभूतात्मक शरीराच्या पोषणासाठी केवळ या शक्तीचा वापर. गतिशुन्य केंद्रस्थानी जीवशक्तीचा अभाव तर केवळ आत्मतत्वाचे अस्तित्व.
