Sunday, August 19, 2007

What comes first? Religion or Country

The conflict between civilization is on rise and modern man has to live under constant threat of global terrorism. There are many theories to explain/justify the act of terrorism but none of the reasoning could give solution to the problem because the diagnosis itself is superficial.

Let's list the extant major cultures across the world:

Every religion is originated at particular point of time in the history, at specific place and most of the time initiated by someone. As the customs attached to the religion is mostly dependent on the prevailing situation at that time and place of origin, the land becomes holy for the followers of the religion. Jerusalem for christians, mecca for muslims, India for hindus and so on. Until we practise our faith at the original place, there is no conflict as everything is conducive for the religious rituals. The problem arises only when a particular sect travelled to unknown territory and start practising the customs on their own and/or forcing/converting the locals.

It is pretty clear from the chart above that most the religions are growing or stabilized as per the natural laws. Newer religions like sikh (16th century AD) and bahai are (19th century AD) are also adding up to the list indicating the evolutionary mechanism of origin of religions. Also the hinduism and Confucianism from old world are still in practise. Even though many people are turning atheist or non-religious we have to live with majority of adherent population in the time to come. The striking and artificial thing in the above chart is growth of christianity and islam in last 2000 years of human civilization. The growth is by no means can be termed as natural and the root lies in the semitic traditions of these Abrahmic religions. Conversion by force or otherwise could not be a part of any spiritual path. But these traditions has grown on these very teachings and they have incorporated it into their philosophy. The following map will make it more clear the impact of this two organised religions on the history and geography of the world and thanks to them for wiping out many old world cultures from the surface of this earth.

The country always comes first only when we are at the origin with respect to our adherence and religion always comes first when we are in foreign land due to obvious conflict with local traditions. Everyone has to respect the rule of land which is a natural reflection of the belief of majority community. Two organized religions always tried to impose their own beliefs on the locals and in turn we have 54 muslim and 120 christian countries today with no clue of original cultures on those lands just before 2000 years of human history.

Today also their expansive mentality is not diminished and they have modern weapons to fulfil their desires in the form of global terrorism. If we wish to preserve remaining diversity across the globe then the third largest ethnic group have to take initiative who has no history of converting or wiping of other civilizations.

If we consider today's geographical and religious situation of this planet as base line then we can decide few directives for peaceful coexistence.

- Each extant religion has a original holy land where they have emotional attachment and most of their beliefs are evolved around that land. If a person living and following certain religion at the original place then there would not be a conflict between rule of land and religious beliefs. But when he/she choose to live and practise at other land which is holy for other religion then he may be a legitimate citizen of that land but cannot claim special treatment if there is conflict between the belief and rule of land.

- This is by no means giving a secondary citizenship to religious minority but only the effort to preserve original cultural identity. As the person him/herself choose to live to that land or even he is living there from birth if he has conflicting beliefs then he should try to relocate him/herself to original land of his belief.

- Newer religions originating should be given space and freedom and the place of their origin would be their holy land (eg Sikh,Baha'i). It is very unlikely that they have contradictory way of life (eg. jainism, buddhism, sikhism are similar to hinduism, bahaism is similar to middle east religions)

- There should be internal debate as well as inter-religious dialogs for banning mass conversion programs by any means anywhere in the world which is root cause of all intolerance in the modern world.

Let religion be a way of evolving human soul and future generations will breath in terror free world.

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